Wednesday, July 22, 2015

It starts NOW!

There comes a day in each one of us when we have had ENOUGH!  It is different for each of us, but it happens.  What we choose to do after it happens is what can set us apart.  In my case it was a picture.  

It was the fourth of July and I had on some jeggings (because I don't have jeans that fit anymore) and a red shirt with a white tank underneath.  In my minds eye I looked cute and the outfit was "slimming." I decided to go outside and blow some bubbles with my toddler.  Seeing my daughter and I enjoy ourselves, my husband decided to snap a few picture with our camera.  When I went back to review the pictures, what I saw surprised the heck out of me.  

Was that really me? Had I really let myself go that bad?  I was, AM, fat!  It was not just that I had gained a few (40!!) pounds.  I was now the same weight I was when I was 9 months pregnant.  After looking at those pictures, I realized looked pregnant too.  I wanted to cry.  I was angry at myself and sad.  I see what happens in my family: weight gain = heart problems and diabetes.  I do not want to be like that.  I want to be, not skinny, healthy.  For my family and for my daughter.  

The changes will have to come slowly.  I have added a green smoothie a day to my daily routine.  I am trying to drink 8 glasses of water a day. I am working out 5 days a week.  I had a little set back this last week, I got a cold.  That was rare for me too.  I used to very rarely get sick.  I will change my lifestyle.  I will be healthier.  I know that means I will shed some fat.  That is what needs to happen.  200 lbs is too much for my 5'3 frame.  

My goal is to lose 50 lbs. in one year.  I could probably lose it sooner, maybe in 6 months.  I have seen other people lose the weight that fast, and gain it right back.  I don't want to be like that.  After following some new people that have lost 50+ lbs on instagram I realized that those who made small changes were in a completely different place a year, two and three years later.  Those small changes led equaled a big overhaul a year down the line.  

I have also seen people lose a lot of weight fast, but too soon they gain it all back.  I don't want to yo-yo anymore.  I WILL NOT!!

I am using this blog to keep myself accountable.  It is for me.  If anyone stumbles across this and wants some support, a buddy to keep them accountable on their journey to change the way they live for the better, I am here.

The goal I have set is to lose 1-2lbs a week.  Some weeks it may even be more, but on average 1-2lbs a week is very doable. Once I find my tape measure, I will take some basic measurements too.
 I will workout a minimum of 5 days a week.  I will make small changes to get closer to my goal.

I can do this, you can too!

Will you join me?
