Tuesday, May 26, 2015

An end and a new beginning

Another move in the near future for us.  
My husband and I have decided to move...again.  This it's different.  This time we made the choice to move and where to move to. It isn't a move for work.  
This time we are moving to Charlotte NC and I am excited and very nervous.
Nervous because it is the first time we move and BOTH of us don't have jobs lined up.  It is a very scary prospect to not have a source of income coming in, but at the same time it is a chance to start over.  Do what I want and even be my own boss if I wanted.  

The trouble with being my own boss is that I am not sure what my business should be.  Should I sell Avon or Herbalife?  Should I sell insurance or go into real estate? I guess I could also star at my own you tube channel?

I guess I could start extreme coupling to save and maybe even make some money.  

I will start to document the process, maybe someone out there can help and motivate me.

I am open to motivation and looking for a mentor!!

I have a couple weeks to figure this out.  

Wish me luck!